Gift Guides

How to Give a Priceless Gift

Rethink traditional gift-giving and learn what REALLY counts when you give a meaningful gift. Also includes a resource with loads of priceless gift ideas!

Do you ever feel like your gift just isn’t “good enough?” Maybe because you think your budget is too small, or friends and family might not fully appreciate the time and effort you put into one of your uniquely crafted keepsakes?

Every year we remind ourselves that “it’s the thought that counts”, yet it’s still so easy to feel like gift giving is just one big competition where everyone secretly keeps score.

But that isn’t the way gift-giving is supposed to be… all! In fact, when I look back at the gifts I have received from my husband over the last seven years, the ones that were most meaningful to me were the gifts that were truly priceless:

  • When Joseph proposed, he wrote me a story about our dating years, and as I read the last chapter of his carefully penned words, he knelt down on one knee and asked me to marry him so we could continue our story. Isn’t that super sweet?
  • Then for Valentine’s Day, he gave me a box filled with chocolates and scrolls of little notes handwritten by him — most were quotes that he had personalized just for me. *Sappy sigh*
  • And more recently for my birthday, Joseph went off to work like he normally did, and came home an hour later with a bouquet of flowers and the sweet surprise that he had taken off the entire day so we could spend it together!

These kinds of gifts didn’t cost a thing, and yet they were some of the best gifts of all. Wouldn’t you agree?

One of my very good friends, Lauren from The Thinking Closet, is a master at creative gift-giving, and recently released her first eBook, Thinking Outside the Gift Box: 75 Simple and Meaningful Gift Ideas to Spark Your Creativity. There is a quote on the very last page that is forever seared into my mind, and I hope will encourage those of you who don’t have a lot to spend this Christmas.

We can have generous hearts even when our hands may be empty. – Lauren Lanker, Thinking Outside the Gift Box <– {Click to Tweet}

Thinking Outside the Gift Box ~By Lauren Lanker

So powerful, right?

You see, instead of focusing on the price tag or what you can and cannot buy, think more about the spirit and attitude behind your gift, and make sure it’s not one of pride for giving it, but the generosity behind it. Only then will you truly give a meaningful gift that is as Lauren says, “outside the gift box”. And wow, does she have some amazing ideas for you!

I’ve had the pleasure of supporting Lauren during her self-publishing journey, and friends, when I tell you this eBook is a gold mine, I truly mean it! If you’ve read her blog for any length of time, you know she is so creative in everything she does — her DIY wedding, adorable house projects, and even super thoughtful gifting tutorials sprinkled throughout her gorgeous site.

Lauren has combined all of her vast creative knowledge into this incredibly packed book that will help you climb out of that gift-giving rut and unlock your creative potential. There are so many ideas I can’t personally wait to try, and because Lauren’s message speaks straight to the foundation of my personal gift-giving philosophy.

Lauren has graciously offered a special giveaway for you all in celebration of it’s release, and you are going to love the basket full of gift-giving goodies she’s put together, along with a copy of her premium eBook package. Update: This giveaway is now closed. Congrats the winner, Michelle M!

Here’s what’s included:GiftGivingSupplyKitGiveaway-Sq

  • gift bags
  • tissue paper
  • gift tags
  • gold & silver gel pens
  • 2 rolls of washi tape
  • ribbon trio
  • 3 rolls of baker’s twine
  • confetti
  • a rubber stamp
  • metallic ­ink stamp pad
  • regular scissors
  • scrapbooking scissors
  • double­-sided tape

Basically, your holiday gift wrap is going to be rockin’ this year, plus you’ll get all the extra goodies that come in the premium package of Thinking Outside the Gift Box — we’re talking about expert video interviews {including one with yours truly — clip at the end of this post!}, a birthday and anniversary calendar, brainstorming printables, and so much more. You can see a full rundown here.

There are 3 packages to choose from that will fit every budget, and you will be so blessed at the creative contents Lauren has put together. May this upcoming Holiday season ignite a spark of creativity and meaningful gift-giving this year!

Disclosure: Some of the links in the post above are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. Read my full disclosure policy here.

I received a free preview copy of Lauren’s eBook in order to share this review.  However, all opinions are my own.  

Was this post helpful? Please consider sharing the love!


  1. what sweet gifts from your husband! My most meaningful gift is a scrapbook my best friend compiled of pictures chronicling the first ten years of our friendship: college, weddings, adventures, babies. 🙂

  2. This prompt is even stumping me! My husband does a great job at giving small, meaningful gifts at special occasions, since we don’t have much money to spend. I don’t have just one that stands out!

  3. What a great giveaway idea! Probably my most cherished gift ever was when my husband planned some time together away for just the two of us.

  4. Those are super sweet gifts from your husband! My husband has done similar things and they are the ones I remember and cherish the most, even though he has given me other gifts too.

  5. My husband is more of a dreamer, I’m more practical. Our budget for Christmas this year is $0.00. My plan is to create a slide show presentation of what I’d select for him if the sky was the limit.. Hopefully, I can tie in some sentiment–what I love about him; why he “deserves” certain gifts, etc.

    1. I think that’s a fantastic idea, Beth! Our budget is very low this year too, so we are trying to come up with something really creative to give each other.

  6. I can’t remember a “priceless” gift. But I do remember the year I started showing horses and my dad bought me a bunch of stuff for me to use for showing and being so excited because it made that Spring’s goal so real. Looking back I know he got me the “cheap” stuff for each item, but I didn’t care. It was my very own “”show” stuff.

  7. my college roommate made me a book filled with funny things we had done or said over the course of our years together.

  8. I love unexpected thoughtful gifts. The one that pops to mind is the first valentine’s day after we were married – my husband had Gerber daisies sent to my office – I was so touched!!

  9. I agree. Meaningful gifts rock. I also feel that with with cards. Something with a signature across the bottom doesn’t do that much for me, but a nice heartfelt note is priceless.

    1. YES, the card doesn’t mean much at all if someone has simply signed it. I love it when people take the time to write an encouraging thought or two in there as well!

  10. That’s pretty sweet! I might have to dig out all the love notes that my husband had written me when we were first dating to read them again 🙂

    1. I was just thinking I need to do this too! I’d love to put them into some sort of scrapbook.

  11. When my husband and i were dating he gave me a ring to replace one i had lost. He had the words “you are worth it” inscribed on the inside of the ring. I had lived abroad for the first year of our relationship. During that time he had a conversation with a friend in which he had told the friend i was the kind of girl that was worth waiting a year for. I’ve cherished those words and wear the ring daily. It means almost as much to me as my wedding ring.

  12. I love the idea of meaningful gifts! I try to make my husband a photo book for his birthday every year, full of all the best memories from the year.

  13. My son only about 12 or so at the time bought me a bottle of my favorite, expensive perfume. It wasn’t the cost, just the thought that he listened and knew what I liked and got it for me with his own money.

  14. Thanks for this timely post! Our gift giving budget has significantly declined since we have become a single income family.

  15. my favorite gift was a Valentine’s Day when my husband drove 2 hours each way to get a pizza from my favorite pizza place when I was having a bad day. He also picked up my favorite ice cream on the way back!

    1. That sounds like something my husband would do too — we definitely have keepers! 🙂

  16. I totally agree, the most meaningful gifts require lot of consideration and usually not so much money!

  17. I would love to receive this, as we are downsizing this year and I know that gifts with meaning are the most valuable.

  18. The most memorable gift I’ve ever received was a note on a napkin that had my name on it, a heart and I love you written on it. It has a special place in my wallet so that I can always look at it when I need it.

  19. My favorite gift was a picture frame with the hand prints of our four children. It made my Mother’s Day so sweet and will always remind me of this time in our life.

  20. Kalyn, I’m truly honored to read this post — to receive your generous words — to hear your stories of “out of the box” giving that is truly priceless. Thank you for sharing about my book and for being such an important part of it! You have been a most supportive friend — giving me more gifts through this process than I can count. Feeling so blessed to call you friend! And looking forward to having some of the Creative Savings community join us in this journey of gifting from the heart. Hugs!

    1. It’s my pleasure, Lauren! I’m so excited you were able to offer this fantastic giveaway. The winner is going to LOVE the amazing stash of supplies you’ve put together, and your especially awesome eBook to go with it!

  21. I once got a wine bottle with our names on it and little scrolls inside with a different one to read each day. They were all personalized notes from my husband. I loved it!

  22. The most meaningful gift I’ve ever received is the necklace my husband have my the morning our son was born. 🙂

  23. A friend invited me and my then 16 month old son over for a playdate and a belated bday get together w her and her 3 yr old daughter. She had picked out age appropriate books from the library for my son and had a play area and toys for him. Then she had made a simple lunch of my favorite salad and sandwiches. As a gift she had made white peach sangria and walnut choc. Chip cookies which are my favorites too. No one had ever done anything like that for me before in my whole life. It was so moving… I cried.

  24. Our first Valentine’s Day together, hubby had a picture frame engraved with our anniversary and had a picture from our first date in it.

  25. Every year, on my birthday, the kids go off to school and I get to spend the entire day with my husband…no interruptions! It’s my favorite day of the year, and not because it’s my birthday!

    1. You have to play to your strengths! I’m terrible at choosing/making {and sending} cards. 🙂

  26. I love giving gifts but I really suck at it! My husband is awesome at gift giving and often gives me just what I want without me ever asking for it!

  27. the most meaningful gift i ever got was a picture frame that my boyfriend got me with a picture of us and it said i love you forever along with a pixelated bouquet of flowers that said even self saving princesses need flowers.

  28. It really is the simple things that have the most impact. I just love it when a sister gets you some little something that only she knows you want.

  29. On Mother’s Day my two sons each made me an origami flower, and included a note saying “I love you” – they still reside as the ‘centerpiece’ of our table. Love!

  30. What a great e-book idea!
    My favorite gifts are homemade – my sons favorite blanket was hand knit by a family friend and it’s so incredibly meaningful to us!

  31. This is such a wonderful concept to remember going into the season. We have so much “stuff”, who needs more. But those little thoughtful gifts of time are what fills my heart.

  32. My favorite gift from my husband was our first Valentine’s together. He bought a a king sized, white bed sheet and spray painted “Happy Valentine’s Day” with a big heart. Then he built a frame out of pvc pipe and attached the sheet to the frame. Then he put it out on the front lawn for me to see when I came home. What I love is he wasn’t embarrassed about what the neighbors would think.

  33. Thisis wonderful! I thing everyone needs this reminder during the holidays. I love to make handmade gifts every year for the holidays.

  34. Thoughtful gifts > expensive gifts. I love incorporating inside jokes or even simple silly things that become tradition. I’ve incorporated lotto scratch cards into every gift for my boyfriend because it always creates a fun and exciting moment for us as we scratch off the numbers.

  35. One year when I was small, my older sisters made a whole wardrobe for my Barbie doll! They had a black wardrobe with all the clothes hanging on little Barbie clothes sized hangers.

  36. My husband and I compile a ‘yearbook’ every year on Shutterfly and give it to each other around Valentine’s Day. It is so fun to flip through through the pages together and it is nice to have a place to put all the millions of pictures we take. haha 🙂 Thanks for this giveaway!

  37. A scrapbook my mother made me, that showed from before I was adopted as a baby to age 36 when I got it.

  38. My most meaningful gift was the scarf my daughter gave me using her first “pay check” from tutoring when she was in 8th grade.

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