Ultimate Bundles 101

Ultimate Bundles are super popular! But what are they exactly? Most importantly are they worth it? Don’t miss these important tips to know before you buy.

This post may contain affiliate links. Read my full disclosure policy here.

I was so lost. I'd heard of Ultimate Bundles but had no clue the value packed inside! No wonder they are so popular! So glad I found this review and these helpful tips! #ultimatebundles #ultimatebundlesales #resourcelibrary

UPDATE: As of March 2022, Ultimate Bundles has transitioned from offering bundles to running a membership known as The Collective. Join here!

Every year, multiple times a year, a handful of wildly popular ultimate bundles magically pop up across ALL of blogland.

Simply put, the bundle allows you to pay just one low price for everything as a “package deal,” rather than buying each resource individually (which would cost a lot more!).

These bundles cover every topic imaginable—photography, home management, blogging, etc. You name it, there’s probably a bundle for it!

I’ve purchased dozens of bundles since Ultimate Bundles first started in 2013, turning me into one of their biggest fan girls. But even I recognize that sometimes bundle sales can be a little confusing…and overwhelming.

Maybe you’re thinking…

What if I don’t want every product included in the bundle?

How do I make sure I never lose access to my eBooks and courses?

This sounds way too good to be true. Am I purchasing quality information or just a bunch of “fluff”?

I’m here to help.

Below I explain exactly what these bundles are, where you can get them (and when!), and important stuff to know before you buy. Just click the links below and you’ll automatically jump to that spot in this post!

The Reason Ultimate Bundles are So Popular

If you’ve never heard of bundles before (or you have heard of them but didn’t know what they were!) each bundle is like your own personal reference library brimming with dozens of resources in a variety of forms (eBooks, courses, workbooks, videos, and membership sites) from authors and bloggers who are credible authorities in their fields.

Ever heard of Crystal Payne from Money Saving Mom?

Abby Lawson from Just a Girl and Her Blog?

Ruth Soukup from Living Well Spending Less?

Yep, they’ve all had stuff included in these bundles, and I’ve been honored to have some of my books alongside them every now and then too!

The goal of the Ultimate Bundles team is to put together a comprehensive digital library, to offer something for everyone, and to provide so much value for an itty-bitty price that it would be irresistible.

And they WIN at this, every time. 

Readers often tell me how excited they are to dive into each of their bundles!

I have purchased several prior ultimate bundles and they were all fantastic! Of course, I didn’t use everything in them, but I’ve used many and for the tiny price, I got a giant load of value and information! – Jacqui

Ultimate bundles are a gift of sanity to myself that are created by other busy women who are authentic and helpful and kind. – Kimberly

I bought the bundle last year and used so many resources (and am still using some) that I knew it was worth it to look into it this year. And I was not disappointed. I have so many interests as a wife, stay-at-home homeschooling mom, and I found something for every one of those interests. – Bekah

How to Make Bundles Work for You

Maybe you love the idea of a conveniently packaged bundle—one that saves you from surfing the ends of the internet to find what you need—but you’re a little overwhelmed by the sheer number of resources inside.

While it might sound like a waste of money, you don’t need to download and use everything you get in these bundles. In most cases, using only 3 or 4 eBooks or courses is more than enough for you to get your money’s worth (and more!).

Ultimate Bundles also offers this nifty little portal where you can log in and access all the bundles you’ve purchased. My recommendation? Skip that “Download Everything” button so you can pick and choose exactly what you want.

This is Important to Know:

  • These bundles last 6 days at most (sometimes less!) and happen only once or twice a year. The reason the Ultimate Bundles team can offer these resources so inexpensively is because they are only available for a short time.
  • All bundles are digital files ONLY, but some of the bonuses offered are physical items which means you’ll need to pay shipping on those items if you claim them. (I know— but most companies offering these bonuses are small businesses and can’t afford to give away product AND offer free shipping).
  • Files are available in PDF, .mobi, and .epub. So they’ll work on any reading device!
  • As long as you download your bundle contents within a year, you’ll always have lifetime access to the files. If you want lifetime access to the courses, sign up for each course (even if you don’t plan to take it right away), and bookmark the login page to access later.

Grab your bundle while you can!

Most bundles (like I mentioned above) are available for just a few days, so if you see a bundle that you’re interested in, be sure to snag it before it’s too late!

Some of the most popular bundles are…

  • The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle
  • Genius Blogger’s Toolkit
  • Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle

…so keep an eye out for when they’re available!

The Collective 2021

Have you purchased a bundle before?

Which one did you grab?


Disclosure: Some of the links in the post above are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. Read my full disclosure policy here.